Registration > Registration procedure

Due to various technical issues, we regret that the registration procedure is a bit long.

Please check carefully that you follow all steps.

Step 0. Connection to the website

All attendees must have an account on the website of the meeting managed by sciencesconf.

If you already have a account, please skip this step.

In case not, please reach the « Register/Registration » page and click on « I do not have an account ». You will have to fill a form with all your information, to choose a login and a password.

Please keep carefully the login and password created when you connect to the website. 

Step 1. Registration to the meeting

Reach the « Register/Registration » page and click on « I already have an account ». A detailed form is ready to be completed with your information. In addition, you will be asked specific informations on the school (e.g. if you would like to submit a poster, propose a short talk). You will receive a mail of registration confirmation.

All registrations will be subject to a manual verification and validation by the organizers (then not instantaneously).

If your application is accepted, you can go to the next step. 

Step 2. Payment for meal fees

Step 2 only applies for onsite participation. No fees for online participation.

For administrative reasons, the payment has to made through another website ( colloque-azur ), on which you will also have to provide a few informations.


For this, go to the registration step:

At the end of the registration, you have to choose between several categories, which will determine your fees.

- Organizer / Invited Speaker / NanoX member : 0 Euros (no payment required)

- All others ("Fees") : 100 Euros, payment required

Important : Even if you are member of NanoX Toulouse / invited speker and you have no registration fees, we regret you still have to go through these two extra steps.


This was a bit lenghty, but now you're fully registered!

If you have any questions, we will be pleased to help you at:

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