Toulouse School on Machine Learning for Quantum Many-body physics


IMPORTANT NEWS (29th March 2022) :  

Registration closed. 

You can still contact us at for online participation.

 Almost final version of the program is on the website here.


We welcome you in Toulouse, France to attend a series of lectures and participate to tutorials on applications of machine learning techniques to quantum physics, and in particular to quantum many-body physics.
 The school will take place in a hybrid format (online/onsite). The school dates are 4th to the 8th of April 2022. 


Topics include introduction to machine learning in quanutm many-body physics, supervised and unsupervised learning, various forms of neural networks and their applications in quantum state reconstruction, Variational Monte Carlo, study of ground-state and dynamics of quantum many-body systems etc. 
Lectures will introduce the main concepts and methods, and tutorials will be the opportunity to put this knowledge into practice.


  • Giuseppe Carleo (EPF Lausanne)
  • Stefanie Czischek (Waterloo)
  • Mohamed Hibat-Allah (Vector Institute, Toronto & Perimeter Institute, Waterloo) (* online)
  • Damian Hofmann (Max Planck, Hamburg) 
  • Florian Marquardt (Max Planck & University of Erlangen-Nuremberg) (* online)
  • Roger Melko  (Waterloo) (* online)
  • Matthias Rupp (Konstanz Univ.) (* online)
  • Attila Szabo (Oxford) 
  • Evert van Nieuwenburg (Niels Bohr Institute, Copenhagen)
  • Filippo Vicentini   (EPF Lausanne)
A preview of the program is given is here, with important practical informations here.


Don't forget to regularly check our news !
Important dates

School start : 4th of April 2022 (registration will start at 08:30, welcome speech at 09:45, first lecture at 10:00)

School end : 8th of April 2022, 4pm (last lecture finishes around 3:30pm)


The registration can be found here.
The school is free for all participants to the Labex NEXT in Toulouse (registration is however mandatory !).

Local Organizers:

  • Fabien Alet
  • Sylvain Capponi
  • Bhupen Dabholkar
  • Malika Bentour
  • Mathilde Rasolomalala


We are very grateful to our sponsors: 
NanoX        ANR     
 Labex Next  
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